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- James KF5U

wsjt-x_improved update 231110.
New feature: Halt Tx when SWR > 2.5

A new build of the wonderful wsjt-x_improved application has been released. I have updated the packages in the AUR. Here is what this update has in it, straight from the mailing list:


Today's "231110" release of wsjt-x_improved 2.7.1-devel brings a new feature that I think is really useful and can save you a lot of money and hassle: You can now stop the transmission automatically if the SWR >exceeds 2.5, e.g. if you have accidentally selected the wrong antenna. The feature works with most of the modern rigs. Your rig must be either connected via one of the hamlib rig drivers or via FLRig. However, the >latter is only supported from the very latest hamlib version, which is supplied with this program update.

Watch this video presentation for more information.

As always, you can download the new version from my SourceForge page:


  • OMs who build from source, please use the hamlib included in the tarballs (or a newer version), otherwise the new SWR feature works only when your rig is connected via hamlib.
  • In case anyone has troubles with the new hamlib version and working on Windows, just click on "Revert Update" and you'll get the previous hamlib version back. Don't forget to inform Mike W9MDB about your
  • hamlib problem so that it can be fixed.
  • Of course, the new SWR feature can only work if your antenna is connected directly to the radio, and you are not using an external PA.

Here you can see what to expect:



When "Halt Tx when SWR > 2.5" is checked, it does what it promises. Your transmission will be stopped automatically within one or two seconds, and a pop-up message comes. Display of the bad SWR is then >kept until the next transmission. Otherwise, the label text is erased one second after the transmission ends, and the color is removed too. SWR > 1.5 gives a yellow background color, and SWR > 2.0 is displayed >as white text on a red background.



Enjoy the new feature!

73 de DG2YCB,


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