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- James KF5U

wsjt-x_improved special update.
congratulations on 50k+ downloads

Another update to wsjt-x_improved. This update comes after surpassing 50,000 downloads of the application. Congratulations Uwe (DG2YCB) on a milestone! And thank you for everything you do to innovate and drive the hobby forward. Here is the message sent to the wsjt-x_improved mailing list:


I just learned that wsjt-x_improved has exceeded 50,000 downloads. Thank you very much for your trust and loyalty to my program!

And although I hadn't planned it that way at all, I spontaneously thought: We should celebrate that! And what's the best way to celebrate something like that? With an even better edition of wsjt-x_improved, of course. Do you agree? That's why there is an update again today.

It brings a new feature, which many of you had wished for a long time, and that I programmed last night: The mode buttons and the two new Q65 submode buttons are now colored! And because this is already working very well, I would like to take this opportunity to share this innovation with you. As a side effect, this also improves the GUI stretching somewhat. See if everything works as it should. The button coloring can be turned off, which then also affects the Hound button, which was sometimes displayed a bit weird on macOS. So this new concept of optional button coloring could also bring some advantages in this respect.

As always, you can download the new versions from my SourceForge page:

Enjoy this special edition!

Here are some screenshots where you can see what to expect:

73 de DG2YCB, Uwe

All packages have been updated accordingly. If you are an Archlinux user and use these packages, please vote for them! 73 de KF5U

wsjt-x_improved is an enhanced version of the excellent WSJT-X software by Joe Taylor K1JT, Steve Franke K9AN, Bill Somerville G4WJS and others (