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- James KF5U

wsjt-x_improved updated.
package update

WSJT-X Improved has been updated today to 2.7.1-devel_231030. Per Uwe (DG2YCB) on the mailing list, here is the update information:

Today's "231030" code of wsjt-x_improved 2.7.1-devel brings further improvements to the Update Hamlib feature:

  • The Hamlib version is now displayed. Click "Update Hamlib" once if the version information for the backed up file is not yet available.

WSJT-X Improved 2310230 - Hamlib

  • Downloading the Hamlib files is now done from a mirror located on one of my servers. This has three advantages:
    • The download speed is higher. Here at my QTH, I have achieved between 4 and 20 times higher download rates than directly from SourceForge.
    • We don't need TLS anymore. This means that from now on the user can completely do without OpenSSL for wsjt-x_improved !!
    • I can react faster in case a new Hamlib version that came with a program update has to be rolled back.

Notes: For technical reasons, the new high-speed download from my server will remain exclusive to wsjt-x_improved users. And very important: If a Hamlib update does not work properly for your rig, >please inform Mike W9MDB immediately. This is the only way to find Hamlib errors in time!

Furthermore, the "231030" code also brings the following innovation, which was requested by an EME operator: I>n Q65 mode and with the VHF and submode features enabled, there are now buttons to switch to Q65-30B or Q65-60C with one click. By the way, I'm still not completely happy with the stretching of the >widescreen GUI when those two buttons are visible, but I couldn't get Qt to do it better yet. But with the other two GUIs it looks good. As always, you can download the new versions from my SourceForge page:

wsjt-x_improved is an enhanced version of the excellent WSJT-X software by Joe Taylor K1JT, Steve Franke K9AN, Bill Somerville G4WJS and others (